100 Free Printable Halloween Trivia Questions and Answers for Kids
Halloween trivia for kids is such a fun way to get your family or students into the Halloween spirit. Perfect for a classroom party or Halloween night, this list of 100 Halloween quiz questions and answers are great for even the littlest ghosts and goblins (now with a free printable!)

This post was originally written in 2022, and has been updated in 2024 with 20 more Halloween facts and Halloween trivia questions for kids, the most current answers and a new free printable of all the questions and answers together!
I’ve always been big on Halloween. Now that I’m a mom, I feel like a lot of things have come full circle!
Our family LOVES to dress up (need some inspiration? Check out Fun Matching Family Halloween Costumes, Creative Halloween Costumes for Brothers and The Best Halloween Costumes for Pregnancy) and make yummy Halloween treats (like Mummy Halloween Brownies and Frankenstein Halloween Pretzel Rods). Now that our boys are getting older, I’m excited for them to be able to take part in some of the fun games and other Halloween activities, too.
Halloween trivia for kids is such a simple way to get the kids in your life even more excited about this holiday and is perfect for family game nights or your next Halloween party or trivia night. I’ve put together this list of Halloween quiz questions and answers to make it easy for parents, teachers and other caregivers too.
The trivia questions are split up into two categories below as well in the free printable: Halloween trivia for little kids, and Halloween trivia questions for older kids. For example, little ones probably won’t know the answer to trivia questions about Halloween movies like Hocus Pocus and The Nightmare Before Christmas, but older kids will love them!
Note: Some links may be affiliate links. That means I may make a commission if you use my links to purchase, at no extra added cost to you! I only recommend products that I personally love and believe in. Full disclaimer here.

How do you play Halloween Trivia?
This spooky activity was created to be a no-prep, fun way to add something extra to your festivities. All you need to play are these Halloween trivia questions for kids!
You can either pick the ones from this article that you like the most, or print them all.
To play, designate an adult or teenager to read the questions out loud, and let the kids try to answer them correctly. Whether you choose to keep score or play just for fun is up to you.
If you have enough participants, break the kids into teams and hold a Halloween trivia competition! Candy makes a great prize for correct answers to these Halloween questions, or things like these Halloween temporary tattoos or this package of assorted Halloween party favors are also cheap and fun prizes too. Plus, they double as non-food Halloween treats to hand out on October 31st.
If you have children who love learning about history too, you can also add in some fun facts on the history of Halloween, which has evolved quite a bit from Samhain, the ancient Celtic holiday. Over the centuries, Halloween has gone from a single day to a whole Halloween focused on costumes, parties, jack-o-lanterns and trick-or-treating, but it wasn’t always this way!

Halloween Trivia For Kids
Halloween trivia is a fun way to add a little extra fun to this spooky season. Whether you choose to play this Halloween trivia game at home, as part of a class party or ask a few questions throughout the month, the choice is up to you.
Remember, this list is broken into two sections: Halloween trivia for little kids and Halloween trivia for older kids and teenagers.
The questions for little kids were designed for children under age 6 and are pretty easy Halloween trivia, while the questions for older kids also include interesting facts and Halloween movie trivia questions too. Be sure to also check out our Free Printable Halloween Riddles with Answers for Kids, too.
I hope you and your little ones love these fun Halloween trivia questions! You can also scroll down to grab the free printable version of all of the questions and answers shared below for your own fun halloween activity.
30 Halloween Trivia Questions for Little Kids
Q. What month is Halloween?
A. October
Q: What 2 colors are associated with Halloween?
A: Orange and black
Q. What day is Halloween celebrated on?
A. 31st
Q: What animals that are associated with witches is bad luck if one crosses your path?
A: Black cats
Q: What do witches ride on?
A: Broomsticks.
Q: Which Peanuts character believes in The Great Pumpkin in It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown?
A: Linus.
Q: Who does this character mistake for the Great Pumpkin?
A: Snoopy.
Q. What do ghosts say?
A. Boo
Q. How many legs do spiders have?
A. 8
Q. Is a pumpkin a fruit or vegetable?
A. Fruit
Q. What do pumpkins grow on?
A. Vines
Q. Where do you go to pick a pumpkin?
A. Pumpkin Patch
Q. What Halloween creature has fangs?
A. A vampire
Q. What Halloween monster is wrapped in bandages?
A. A mummy
Q. A pumpkin with a face carved is called what?
A. A Jack o’ Lantern
Q. What do you put inside of a jack-o-lantern to make it glow?
A. A light or candle
Q. What do you say on Halloween to get candy?
A. Trick or Treat
Q. What flying animal is associated with a vampire?
A. Bat
Q. What are the bones in our body called?
A. A skeleton
Q. When do vampires sleep?
A. During the day
Q: What are the bones in our body called?
A: Skeleton
Q: Which holiday comes after Halloween?
A: Thanksgiving
Q: What is the name of the movie about a hotel where vampires, witches, and other scary creatures live together?
A: Hotel Transylvania
Q: Which Halloween treat is made by coating an apple in sticky syrup?
A: Candy Apple
Q: How many days are in October?
A: 31
Q: In which Halloween movie does a boy bring his pet dog back to life?
A: Frankenweenie
Q: Whose spooky family also includes a hand that runs around on its own?
A: The Addams Family
Q: What animal is associated with a witch?
A: A black cat
Q: What famous Halloween song is about a monster party?
A: The Monster Mash
Q: What’s one of the most popular Halloween candies?
A: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups (#1), Snickers (#2), M&M, KitKat, candy corn (all tied for #3)

70 Halloween Trivia Questions for Older Kids and Teens
Q: In what country did Halloween originate?
A: Ireland.
Q. During Halloween, what do people “bob” for?
A. Apples
Q. What does the Halloween color orange represent?
A. Harvest
Q. What does the Halloween color black represent?
A. Death
Q: What Celtic tradition led to modern-day trick-or-treating?
A: For the celebration of Samhain, people would put treats or food out to pacify evil spirits.
Q: In the Disney movie Hocus Pocus, what song do the Sanderson Sisters perform at the Halloween party?
A: I Put a Spell On You
Q: In Hocus Pocus, what needs to be lit to summon the Sanderson Sisters?
A: The Black Flame Candle
Q: Which classic spooky book contains the character, Ichabod Crane?
A: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Q: Who is the supernatural villain that Ichabod Crane is investigating?
A: The headless horseman.
Q. Where did jack o’ lanterns originate?
A. Ireland
Q. What were originally used as the first Jack-o’-Lanterns?
A. Turnips
Q. What is another name for a ghost?
A. Phantom
Q: What is the main character’s name in the Tim Burton film The Nightmare Before Christmas?
A: Jack Skellington.
Q: Who do the characters kidnap in The Nightmare Before Christmas?
A: Santa Claus (or Sandy Claws)
Q: What Catholic holiday is associated with Halloween?
A: All Saints Day on November 1.
Q. What country celebrates the Day of the Dead?
A. Mexico
Q. What do you call a group of witches?
A. A coven
Q: What is the name of the Romanian region where Dracula’s castle is located?
A: Transylvania.
Q. The word Halloween means?
A. All Hallows evening
Q: What is a male witch called?
A: A warlock.
Q: What famous magician died on Halloween?
A: Harry Houdini.
Q. What Halloween candy was originally called chicken feed?
A. Candy Corn

Q: From base to point, what is the order of the colors on a piece of candy corn?
A: Yellow, orange, white.
Q: What are other names for Halloween?
A: Samhain, All Hallows Eve, The Feast of the Dead
Q. Other than a cat, what animal is associated with witches?
A. Owls
Q. In Ancient Rome, what were owls thought of as?
A. Evil
Q: True or false: The word ‘hallow’ means saint or holy person?
A: True
Q: What can you sprinkle in front of windows and doorways to help keep away evil spirits?
A: Salt.
Q: If someone is bitten by a werewolf, what turns them into one themself?
A: A full moon.
Q: Who is the goddess of witches in Greek mythology?
A: Hecate.
Q: What were the first fun-sized candy bars?
A: Snickers and Milky Way.
Q. What is the most popular Halloween candy?
A. Chocolate
Q. What food keeps vampires away?
A. Garlic
Q: What bone, found in the head, is often used as a symbol of Halloween?
A: Skull
Q: In Roald Dahl’s The Witches, what does The Grand High Witch turn into?
A: A mouse.
Q. What kind of houses do people go into on Halloween?
A. Haunted Houses
Q. What do you call the pot that witches cook in?
A. Cauldron
Q: What colors other than orange can pumpkins be?
A: White, blue and green.
Q: Instead of candy, what did kids originally receive when trick or treating?
A: Food and drinks
Q. Where do vampire bats live in real life?
A. North and South America
Q. What is the name of the most famous Halloween vampire?
A. Dracula
Q. What does Dracula mean?
A. Son of the Devil or Son of Dracul are both correct
Q. What was Bram Stoker’s original name for Dracula?
A. Count Wampyr.
Q. What do you call a dead body that has been preserved?
A. A Mummy
Q. What country do mummies originate from?
A. Egypt
Q: What did Cousin It from the Addams Family look like?
A: He was completely covered in long hair.
Q; According to superstition, a person born on Halloween has what particular ability?
A: The ability to see and talk to spirits
Q. What century did trick-or-treating begin in?
A. 16th Century
Q: Complete the following Halloween chant: double, double, toil and …?
A: Trouble
Q: In Harry Potter, what are Harry’s best friends names?
A: Ron and Hermione
Q: In Harry Potter, which house does Harry NOT want to be sorted into?
A: Slytherin
Q: In Harry Potter, what is the spell to emit light from a wand?
A: Lumos.
Q: What will happen if a person wears their clothes inside out and walks backward?
A: They’ll see a witch at midnight.
Q: What does seeing a spider on Halloween signify?
A: A loved one is watching over you.
Q. When is Halloween thought to have originated?
A. 4000 B.C.
Q: What is the fear of Halloween called?
A: Samhainophobia.
Q: What is the fear of fear called?
A: Phobophobia.
Q: Who wrote the novel Frankenstein?
A: Mary Shelley
Q: According to superstition, if you stare into a mirror at midnight on Halloween, what will you see?
A: Your future husband or wife
Q: What is the only holiday in the United States more commercially popular than Halloween?
A: Christmas
Q: What creature might you be if you have a long middle finger?
A: A werewolf
Q: According to superstition, a person born on Halloween has what particular ability?
A: The ability to see and talk to spirits.
Q: Which classic spooky book contains the character Ichabod Crane?
A: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Q: What can you sprinkle in front of windows and doorways to help keep away evil spirits?
A: Salt
Q: In the story of “Frankenstein,” who is the scientist who creates the monster?
A: Victor Frankenstein
Q: Which movie is about a teenage girl with superpowers who becomes a villain?
A: Carrie
Q: What was the original purpose of wearing costumes on Halloween?
A: To disguise yourself from ghosts and spirits.
Q: What Halloween song features the line, “They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious and spooky”?
A: “The Addams Family Theme”
Q: What does superstition say happens if you break a mirror?
A: You have bad luck for seven years
Q: What are the least popular Halloween candies?
A: Raisnets, Twizzlers, Starburst
Printable Easy Halloween Trivia Questions
Grab a printable copy of the kids Halloween trivia questions and each correct answer shared above. In this READY TO PRINT digital file are 100 fun Halloween trivia questions divided them into two sections:
- Halloween Trivia for Little Kids (super easy general knowledge for spooky fun even the smallest ghouls can enjoy)
- Halloween Trivia for Older Kids and Teens (includes more challenging questions)
Unlike some other versions of this free printable Halloween trivia game, our questions don’t repeat, so there are 100 unique questions spread across all two collections.
The file is in an easy to access PDF format that you can print with your home printer or in any local or online print shop. I recommend printing this on plain white paper, but you can also use construction paper, cardstock or another type of thick paper. You can print this file out again and again too!
This collection of Halloween trivia is free for you to use, but ONLY for personal use. Enter your information below to gain access to the free download, and the free printable game will be sent to your email address immediately.
Fun Trivia Questions for Halloween
I hope this list of Halloween trivia for kids inspired you as you create your own Halloween tradition. From scary movies to jack o’lanterns, Halloween trivia only requires a basic Halloween knowledge.
Plus, it’s makes a great traditional Halloween game for Halloween parties for young and old! Add a scary soundtrack, and Halloween treat or two and you’re set! Don’t forget about the Halloween party invitations!
If you enjoyed this post, please share this article on social media or pin on Pinterest to inspire other families this season too.
Good luck and happy Halloween!
If you enjoyed this craft, be sure to pin it on Pinterest using the image below to make it easier to find next time!

awesome, love this activity.
Thank you so much!
Hope you are well. I wanted to say vampires traditionally slept during the day, and you put night.
WOW. Thank you! I can’t believe I did that lol Just fixed!