
40 Easy Toddler Easter Egg Decorating Ideas

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Looking for some easy toddler Easter egg decorating ideas? These alternatives to traditional Easter egg dye kits are perfect for toddlers and adults alike!

easter eggs

There are so many wonderful things about decorating Easter Eggs. From the bright colors and designs to spending time together as a family making memories, I love this time of year. I can’t dye eggs as a parent without thinking back to some of the amazing memories I made with my own mom and dad way back when!

Dying Easter eggs is a great way to celebrate spring and Easter, but can also turn into a bit of a messy disaster with toddlers. We learned that the hard way last year while trying to dye eggs using one of the store-bought Easter egg kits with vinegar!

This year I wanted to try some simple and easy ideas that we could DIY ourselves. Read on for some of my favorite Easter egg decorating ideas for toddlers, as well as some of my favorite tutorials from other bloggers!

easter eggs

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20 Easy Toddler Easter Egg Decorating Ideas

Looking for some ideas when it comes to decorating Easter eggs with your toddler? Check out these ideas for fun ways you can do it at home! Whether you’re putting together an easter egg hunt or just making a few decorations together, these easter egg designs are sure to help you create some beautiful easter eggs.

Looking for more detailed instructions? Scroll down to a collection of amazing toddler Easter egg decorating tutorials from some fantastic bloggers, too.

Dry Rice – In small containers, clear plastic bins or plastic bag, add food coloring to dry rice for toddlers to roll the eggs around in, creating a unique design.

Shaving Cream – Fill a bin with shaving cream and various drops of food coloring for toddlers to gently roll the egg around in for a sensory egg dying experience.

Kool-Aid – Have toddlers help stir packets of Kool-Aid with a small amount of water and soak the eggs in the mixture for about five minutes.

Drip Dying – Use small pipettes to drip the dye over the eggs.

Markers and Plastic Bags – Toddlers can draw with markers on plastic baggies and then dab or wrap it around the egg to transfer the pattern.

Spin Art – In a salad spinner, add dye from squirt bottles to create a splatter paint design.

Dotting with Straws – Cut straws in half and dip them into paint for toddlers to use to dot patterns onto eggs.

Bubble Wrap – Paint over some pieces of small bubble wrap to wrap around the egg and create a unique polka dot design.

Tissue Paper – Spray water over tissue paper placed on eggs to bleed the color onto the eggs (you can also use paper towels)

Glitter – For a different look, drizzle glue over the eggs and allow your little one to sprinkle on some colorful glitter.

Sponge Painting – Cut sponges into strips and add some paint for little hands to gently dab colors onto their eggs.

Natural dyes – Create natural dyes using plant materials such as turmeric, beet juice, and berries.

Paint Marbling – In a small bowl or container of water, drop different colors of paint onto the surface and dip the eggs into the mixture.

Rubber Bands – Wrap each hardboiled egg in different size rubber bands before dying for a fun striped look.

Related: How to Make Sensory Bags for Babies & Toddlers

20 More Ways to Dye Easter Eggs with Toddlers

Easter eggs can get very messy very fast, but thankfully there are tons of egg-decorating alternatives that are better suited for tiny hands (and attention spans)! Below are some of my favorite creative DIY toddler egg decorating ideas and tutorials from other amazing bloggers. Read on for more fun easter egg ideas!

Bubble Wrap Egg Decorating

easy easter egg decorating ideas for toddlers

If you have a sheet of bubble wrap (from all those Amazon orders, perhaps?) and a few paints, you can make these bubble wrap eggs in minutes. These are so easy to make that you can set your children or grandchildren up to do them!

Ann’s Entitled Life

Coloring Page Decoupage Easter Eggs

easter eggs

Let the little ones have fun coloring, and use their art to create beautiful decoupaged eggs! They will be so proud to have their own work displayed in their baskets!

The Country Chic Cottage

Tie Dye Easter Eggs

easter eggs

Making Tie Dye Easter Eggs is a super fun and different way to color your Easter eggs this year. Make all the pretty, vibrant colors you’d like using food colouring! Prepare to get messy, so grab an apron and your eggs and let’s get started!

Amanda’s Cookin

Whipped Cream Easter Egg Decorating

easter eggs

Check out these beautiful eggs! Dye Easter Eggs with whipped cream, the kids have fun and it tastes yummy too.

Our WabiSabi Life

How to Dye Easter Eggs Naturally

naturally dying easter eggs

Easter is just around the corner, check out how to dye eggs naturally. This simple recipe makes beautiful colorful eggs. Older kids will love learning about the different ingredients that result in these cool colors.

Saving Dollars and Sense

Melted Crayon Easter Egg Decorating

decorating easter eggs with toddlers

Make vibrant Easter eggs in a matter of minutes with this melted crayon Easter Egg decorating idea.

Dollar Crafter

Unicorn Easter Eggs

cute easter egg ideas

Unicorn Eggs are perfect for any unicorn lover. This is a fun unicorn craft project that is perfect to have a unicorn Easter or to make for as unicorn party food. These Unicorn Eggs would be fun for kids to create on Easter or as a unicorn party craft and can be crafted using a small paintbrush or permanent marker.

Our WabiSabi Life

How to Naturally Dye Eggs with Fruits, Veggies and Spices

naturally dying easter eggs

Using fruit, veggies, herbs, and teas to color eggs is healthy and natural! Besides the vast nutritional benefits from natural dyes, coloring eggs with vibrant red beets, green teas, turmeric, coffee grounds, and blueberries (to name a few) can be a uniquely fun learning experience for everyone.

Just Beet It

Cool Whip Easter Eggs

easter eggs

Cool Whip Easter Eggs – Cool Whip helps produce swirls of gorgeous color in this family-friendly DIY easter egg dyeing method!

Bitz N Giggles

How to Dye Easter Eggs with Rice

easter egg dyed with rice

Dyeing eggs with colored rice gives the eggs an entirely new and cool look! What’s neat about this activity is that in the end, you have colored rice left over for sensory play if you are interested in that!

Mom, Wife, Busy Life

Ombre Easter Eggs

simple easter egg ideas

These easy ombré eggs are absolutely beautiful! No special supplies needed to make these beauties.

Catholic Icing

Cracked Colored Eggs

easter eggs

This gorgeous variation of coloring Easter eggs stems from tea dyed eggs. These stunning cracked colored eggs are easy enough for the kids to make and fun enough for the adults to play along too.

Amanda’s Cooking

Tissue Paper Dyed Easter Eggs

tissue paper dyed easter eggs

Check out this fun new way to dye Easter eggs! This Tissue Paper Dyed Easter Eggs is A Unique Easter Egg Dying Tutorial.


Drip Dyed Easter Eggs

easter eggs

These drip dyed eggs may look fancy, but they are so easy to make that kids of all ages will have fun making them.

Pickle Bums

Rainbow Crack Easter Eggs

image shows eggs with colored cracks

If you are looking for unique egg decorating ideas with your children, these rainbow eggs are for you. The colorful cracks are so neat on the white eggs, and kids love them!

DIY Candy

Eric Carle- Inspired Easter Eggs

easter eggs

These “Eric Carl Easter Eggs” are bright and colourful, and made by applying decoupage techniques.

Red Ted Art

Galaxy DIY Easter Eggs

creative kids easter eggs

You can use this wonderful galaxy art technique on both wooden eggs as well as blown out egg shells or even hardboiled eggs

Red Ted Art

Love kids crafts? You might also enjoy these posts:

How to Dye Rice for a Sensory Bin

How to Dye Pasta for Crafts

Easy toddler Easter egg decorating ideas for extra fun

I hope this list of ideas and collection of tutorials for easy toddler Easter egg decorating techniques is helpful for you. Let me know in the comments which ones are your favorites, and if you try one be sure to tag me on Instagram using the hashtag #mimosasandmotherhood so I can see your creations too!

easy easter egg decorating ideas for toddlers

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